Sustainable Buildings
Sustainable Buildings

Sustainable Buildings

More durability, efficiency and quality of life

Our products and services contribute to improving people’s quality of life and to more sustainability in society – from healthy interiors and durable buildings to sustainable cities and communities. Increasing energy efficiency is particularly important, because buildings are responsible for around 30% of greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, they play a crucial role in achieving the goals of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.

High-tech paints protect the building fabric.

Protecting the Building Fabric

As a rule, the durability of products and materials makes the greatest contribution to sustainability. Surface coatings from Caparol have a decisive influence on the lifespan of a building, as the quality and resistance of the top layer permanently protects the building fabric underneath. In this way, renovation cycles are significantly extended. On the façade, Caparol provides durable protection against weathering, soiling and color fading. Indoors, the durability of coatings can be increased, for example, by using paints that are particularly easy to clean and resistant to abrasion. Caparol also provides the right protection for natural materials such as wood and metal so that they remain beautiful and functional for a long time.


Energy Efficiency through Thermal Insulation

Caparol’s insulation systems make a major contribution to reducing the energy consumption of buildings, thus protecting the climate and the environment, while at the same time increasing people’s living comfort. Thermal insulation plays a key role, especially when it comes to refurbishing existing buildings to make them more energy-efficient. The complex issue of thermal insulation against cold in winter and heat in summer calls for a reliable and experienced partner. Caparol has been one of the leading suppliers of thermal insulation solutions throughout Europe for decades, offering a wide variety of systems to meet all requirements – from design to cost-effectiveness to ecological insulation materials.

To thermal insulation

Buildings are responsible for 30% of greenhouse gas emissions.
Healthy living with indoor air that is free of pollutants.

Solutions for Healthy Living

Interiors play a significant role in health – especially because we spend most of our lives indoors. Caparol therefore offers a wide range of solutions for pleasant room temperature, air humidity, room acoustics, more daylight and clean indoor air. The latter largely depends on whether surfaces and coatings are free of pollutants. Caparol is a pioneer in emission-minimised, solvent- and plasticiser-free wall paints and ensures a pleasant indoor climate with the corresponding E.L.F. technology. Moreover, Caparol also has a patented technology for preservative-free paints that are even suitable for people suffering from allergies. VOC content and emission levels of paint products have to be minimal in order to meet the criteria of certificates for buildings like LEED and BREEAM.

To healthy living

Sustainable Color Design

When used correctly, color design can have a great impact on the creation of sustainable living spaces and the well-being of their users: it can create the right atmosphere and help people identify with the architecture. It can provide orientation – for people with impaired vision, for example. Our ColorDesignStudio has been pooling Caparol’s color expertise for over 40 years. The team designs architecture, conceives color collections and design tools, develops color visualisation software, creates new surface techniques, gives lectures and holds seminars. With its wide range of tasks, the ColorDesignStudio is unique in the industry. This allows our customers to benefit from our knowledge in the best possible way – in support of sustainable color design.

To color design

Caparol ColorDesignStudio


Learn more about our commitment to sustainability in the areas of sustainable products and sustainable buildings.