
Capatect EcoFix 055/20

Moisture-hardening, self-expanding one-component polyurethane adhesive for the rational, clean, economical and permanently secure bonding of Capatect EPS thermal insulation boards on façades. 

LV Texte

Field of Application

Capatect EcoFix 055/20 is a moisture-hardening, self-expanding one-component polyurethane adhesive foam for the rational, clean, economical and permanently secure bonding of Capatect EPS thermal insulation boards (mainly provided with tongue and groove) on facades. The polyurethane foam has a high adhesive strength on concrete, masonry, render, wood, glass bricks, and metals. Do not apply on dusty or frosted substrates.

Material Properties

  • Reaction to fire as per German DIN 4102 B2: "normally inflammable"; when used within Capatect ETICS system – DIN 4102 B1 "flame retardant”.

  • Polymer integrated flame proofing.
  • Fast moisture based curing. Further processing  of the insulation boards approx. 2 hours after fixing the boards.
  • Thoroughly hardened after approx. 12 hrs (depending on temperature and quantity).
  • Excellent adhesion to almost all common building materials.
  • Excellent dimensional stability.
  • Handy pack size.
  • Non-aging, does not rot - but not UV resistant.
  • Solvent-free.
  • CFC-free.

Packaging/Package Size

Carton with 12 pressurised cans (750 ml). Keep carton to recycle empty cans.




Protected against sun insolation and temperatures above 50 °C. Store upright in a dry, cool area.
Shelf life: 12 months from date of production in unopened packaging in a cool (+5 to +25 ºC) and dry storage. Best before: see bottom of the can. Reseal opened cans tightly and use up shortly. Store apart from foods.

Heat conductivity

≤ 0,035 W/(m · K)

Temperature resistance

Cured foam up to 90 °C

Raw density

25-35 kg/m³ after curing in cavities


Liquid formula to generate foam.

Supplementary Product

056/20 Capatect-Dosierpistole (application tool)
056/10 Capatect-Reiniger (cleaner)

Product No.


Store the can before use for one or two days at room temperature (+10 °C up to +30 °C). Always wear safety glasses/goggles and protective gloves.

Before starting work, protect adjacent surfaces from contamination.
Strong gusts of wind can blow EcoFix 055/20 foam to near components, objects or people.

Screw foam can firmly onto the gun threads and shake about 20 x vigorously (with gun down) for a well mixed content to optimize the adhesive quality and to maximize the yield. For longer interruptions the shaking must be repeated in order to obtain the desired quality properties!
Use Capatect-Reiniger (056/10) or acetone to remove stains from fresh adhesive foam.
Cut cured protruding adhesive foam with a knife.
Protect the adhesive foam against sunlight. Empty tin completely before unscrewing the gun. Clean the gun with Capatect-Reiniger 056/10.

Substrate Preparation

Surfaces must be suitable for adhesives: flat, clean, dry, solid, sound and free from all substances. Tape window sills and other attachments.


About 4 to 6 m2 per can - as guideline for consumtion. Project and processing characteristics can influence as well as climatic conditions.

Application Conditions

Processing temperature: 5 °C to 35 °C during application and curing for substrate and ambient air. Best can temperature: 20 °C. Do not apply under direct sun irradiation, in strong winds, in fog or high humidity.

Drying/Drying Time

Note: High humidity, wet surfaces and / or low or high temperatures can influence and affect the drying time significantly.

Tool Cleaning

Clean tools and foam gun immediately after use with Capatect-Reiniger 056/10 (Cleaner)

Bonding of Insulation Boards

Set regulation screw of the gun to obtain a strand of about 30 mm in diameter - the emptier the can, the further the screw has to be turned up. Keep the gun upright and apply the adhesive material thoroughly to the reverse side of the thermal insulating board as surrounding strand. Apply a "W"- or "M”-shaped line of foam in between to archiev a ≥ 40% surface area of wall and board in contact with adhesive foam.

Place the Capatect thermal insulating boards thoroughly with lateral offset (staggered) to the substrate and align, immediately after having finished the application of adhesive foam. Skinning of adhesive due to a too long waiting time will lead to diminished adhesion to the substrate and must be avoided. Do no knock the insulaton boards to the wall. A possible late expansion of the adhesive foam (post-expansion) can be minimized by use of tongue and groove shaped boards.
Smooth the board surface by sanding before applying the reinforcing layer - if necessary.

Additional fixing by anchors:
According to national regulations. Please refer to our notes in EIFS manual.
Put the anchors after curing of the PU foam, but no earlier than 2 hours after fixing the boards.

Note: For changing of pressurised cans wear always protective glasses and gloves.

Special Risks (Hazard Note) / Safety Advice (Status as at Date of Publication)

Product intended only for professional processing.

Extremely flammable.
Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin. Evidence of a carcinogenic effect. Sensitization by inhalation and skin contact. Harmful: Do not breathe vapor.

Risk of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation. Wear appropriate protective gloves and protective clothing.
In case of accident or indisposition seek medical advice immediately (if possible show the label).

Use only in well ventilated areas. This material and its container at hazardous or special waste. Contains isocyanates. Note the manufacturer's instructions (Material Safety Data Sheet).

Presurised can.
Protect from sunlight and temperatures above 50 °C.
Do not open or burn can even after use.
Do not spray on naked flame or any incandescent material.
Keep away from sources of ignition. No smoking.

Keep out of reach of children.
People who are already sensitized to diisocyanates, the use of the product may cause allergicreactions. Persons with asthma, eczema or skin problems: avoid contact, including skin contact, using the product. Do not use product inside buildings with poor ventilation or - if necessary - use respirator with appropriate gas filter (type A1 to EN14387).

In case of contact of fresh adhesive with the skin immediately remove the adhesive mechanically. Wipe off the residue with the aid of vegetable oils (such as salad oil).

The cured product can only be removed mechanically.



For Capatect EcoFix 055/10 cans (750 ml) exists in Germany a take-back obligation within the PDR Recycling System. The original shipping box filled with 12 empty cans as a withdrawal unit will be accepted and recycled for free.
Please note instructions on the box.

Risk and Transportation Markings

Kennzeichnung GGVS/ADR: Klasse 2/Ziffer 5F 
Kennzeichnung nach Gefahrstoffverordnung: F+ "Hochentzündlich", Xn "Gesundheitsschädlich", enthält Methylendiphenyldiisocyanat
siehe auch Sicherheitsdatenblatt



Further Details

Siehe Sicherheitsdatenblatt

Customer Service Centre

Tel.: +49 6154 71-71710
Fax: +49 6154 71-71711

International Distribution: Please see