
Capatect AmphiSilan Fassadenputz GROB

Ready-to-use structurable finishing coat with coarse grain according to EN15824
  • LV Texte

    Field of Application

    Ready-to-use, structurable silicone resin finishing coat with coarse grain for mineral and organic wall and ceiling surfaces outdoors. Can be used in combination with the Capatect facade systems.

    Material Properties

    • Permeable to water vapor
    • Highly water repellent
    • Increased protection against fungi and algae infestation
    • Smooth processing
    • Shades with Light Reflectance Value LRV ≥ 20 also possible without additional coating

    Packaging/Package Size

    25 kg bucket



    Can be tinted by manufacturer. Further custom colors with Light Reflectance Value LRV > 20 on request.

    If, for design reasons, colors with Light Reflectance Value LRV < 20 are required, these can be achieved in some cases with a double coat of Muresko CoolProtect paint.

    Small quantities can be tinted with CaparolColor or Amphibolin colourants with max. 2 % to avoid thin consistency.

    Gloss Level



    Cool, dry and frost-free.
    Protect from direct sunlight.


    approx. 1.8 g/cm³

    Diffusion-equivalent air layer thickness sdH2O

    < 1.4 m acc. to EN ISO 7783

    Fire behaviour

    A2-s1, d0 acc. to EN 13501-1 (non-combustible)



    Vehicle / Binding agent

    Silicone resin emulsion, acrylic resin dispersion

    Water permeability (w-value)

    w < 0.1 kg/(m2 · h0.5) acc. to EN 1062-3

    class W3 (low) acc. EN 15824

    Product No.

    Produkt-No.StruktureGrain Size
    Approx. Consumption
    Capatect AmphiSilan Fassadenputz GROB K40scrapred plaster structure4.05.5
    Capatect AmphiSilan Fassadenputz GROB K60scrapred plaster structure6.06.0

    The consumption figures are guide values without loss of pouring or shrinkage. Building-dependent or processing-related deviations must be taken into account.

    Substrate Preparation

    The substrate must be even, clean, dry, solid, sound/ stable and free from all substances that may prevent good adhesion. In Germany follow VOB, part C, DIN 18 363, section 3.

    Remove unsound coatings of enamel, emulsion paint, synthetic (organic) render/ plaster and unsound mineral paint coatings completely. Clean adherent paint coatings dry or wet.

    Clean surfaces infested with organic growth (fungi/ mildew/ mould, moss, algae attack) with a highpressure water jet, in compliance with the regulations. Then use Capatox and allow to dry thoroughly. Clean surfaces contaminated with industrial pollution (factory fumes) or soot by highpressure cleaner and suitable cleaning agent, in compliance with the regulations.

    Method of Application

    Apply the textured plaster with stainless steel trowel homogeneously to the complete surface and  immediately rub down to the grain size. Directly after that treat the renders evenly with a plastic trowel or PU-board, by circularly ´ironing´. The surface roughness profile is influenced by the chosen tool, hence always the same type of texturing tool should be used.

    For spray application the nozzle size depends on particle sizes. Working pressure: 0.3 to 0.4 MPa (3 to 4 bar). Apply thoroughly an even layer during spray application and avoid overlapping that may be caused by storeys of scaffolding.

    To achieve an even texture always the same craftsmen should work on a surface. To avoid lapping on large area surfaces, care should be taken to have a sufficient number of hands/craftsmen on the job and to apply the material wet-on-wet without interruption

    Being natural products, the granular materials used in the plaster, may occasionally cause slight colour variation in the finished coating. Use only material marked with identical batch numbers or, if utilising material from different batches, mix the entire quantity needed in advance.

    Capatect AmphiSilan Fassadenputze GROB facade plasters are not suitable for horizontal surfaces exposed to water.

    Surface Coating System

    The key coat Putzgrund 610 has to be tinted in matching colour shade before applying tinted render/ plaster. Allow thorough drying of key/ intermediate coats before further application.

    Capatect ETICS:

    New mineral base coats (reinforcement layer): Prime with Putzgrund 610.
    New cement-free base coats: No key coat required.
    Weathered base coats (e.g. after winter break): Prime with Putzgrund 610.

    Plasters of mortar groups PII u. PIII:

    New plasters can be coated after a sufficient waiting period, usually after 2 weeks at approx. 20 ° C and 65% rel. humidity. In less favorable weather conditions, e.g. influenced by wind or rain, significantly longer waiting times must be observed. An additional key coat with CapaGrund Universal reduces the risk of lime efflorescence, so that the finishing coat can be coated after just 7 days. Intermediate coat with PutzGrund 610.

    Old plasters:

    Subsequent plastering areas must be well set and dried out. Prime coarse, porous, absorbent, slightly sanding plasters with OptiSilan TiefGrund. Intermediate coat with PutzGrund 610. Use DupaPutzfestiger for heavily sanding, powdery plasters. Intermediate coat with PutzGrund 610.


    Clean dirty or powdery concrete surfaces mechanically or with high pressure water jets in compliance with the legal regulations. Use OptiSilan TiefGrund on coarsely porous, light sanding or absorbent surfaces. On powdery surfaces, use Dupa-Putzfestiger. Intermediate coat with PutzGrund 610.

    Load-bearing, matt emulsion paint coatings:

    Coat matt, slightly absorbent coatings directly. Clean soiled, chalking old paint coatings with high pressure water jets, observing the legal regulations. For other types of cleaning (washing, brushing off, hosing down), prime with Dupa-Putzfestiger. Intermediate coat with PutzGrund 610.

    Application Conditions

    Processing temperature: + 5 °C to approx. 30 °C. for material, substrate and ambient air during application and curing.

    Do not apply in direct sunlight, during strong wind, fog, high relative humidity, and imminent rain or frost. If there is strong air movement on the component surface at the time of execution and drying, there is a risk of shrinkage cracks and pore formation in the finishing coat.

    Drying/Drying Time

    At 20 °C and 65 % RH: surface-dry after approx. 24 hours. Cured, recoatable and ready for stress

    after 2 to 3 days.

    The render cures physically by evaporation of water. Drying time is extended by low temperature and high RH.

    Cover the scaffoldings with tarpaulins to protect the surface of the finishing coat from rain during the drying phase if necessary.

    Protect the finished surface of the finishing plaster until sufficient weather resistance is achieved, if necessary

    Tool Cleaning

    Clean immediately after use with water.

    Material Preparation

    Stir Capatect AmphiSilan Fassadenputz GROB thoroughly with a low-speed stainless steel agitator. If necessary adjust to working consistency with tap water (max. 1 % if manually applied and max. 2 % for spray application).


    Capatect AmphiSilan Fassadenputz GROB is equipped with special active ingredients to prevent the formation of fungi and algae on the coating. This depot of active ingredients offers long-lasting, time-limited protection, the duration of which depends on building conditions, such as e.g. the strength of the infestation, the type of vegetation and the moisture load. It is therefore not possible to permanently prevent the growth of fungi and algae.

    Cover the scaffoldings with tarpaulins to protect the surface of the finishing coat from rain during the drying phase if necessary.

    Please Note (Status as at Date of Publication)

    May cause allergic reactions. If medical advice is needed, have packaging or label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Warning! Hazardous respirable droplets may be formed when sprayed. Do not breathe spray or mist. Contains reaction mass of 5-chloro-2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one and 2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one (3:1), 2-methylisothiazol-3(2H)-one.

    In germany: Hotline for allergy enquiries and technical advice: 0800/1895000 (free of charge from the German fixed network).

    This product is a "treated product" according to EU Regulation 528/2012 (not a biocidal product) and contains the following biocidal active substances: terbutryn (CAS No. 886-50-0), pyrithione zinc (CAS No. 13463-41-7), 2-octyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one (CAS No. 26530-20-1).

    The technical information on must be observed. VOC content according to RL 2004/42/EC < 10 g/l. Declaration of ingredients according to "VdL Richtlinie 01": Polyvinyl acetate resin, polysiloxanes, silicone resin, calcium carbonate, titanium dioxide, silicates, water, glycols, esters, additives, film protection agents, preservatives.


    Dispose of liquid material residues at the collection point for old paints/ varnishes. Dispose of dried material residues as construction and demolition waste or as municipal waste or household waste.

    EAK 080112.




    Note for CE-Marking

    CE mark according to EN 15824 is placed on the packaging. See sheet for the CE marking on the Internet at

    Customer Service Centre

    Tel.: +49 6154 71-71710
    Fax: +49 6154 71-71711

    International Distribution: Please see