

Ready-to-use synthetic fine filler.
LV Texte

Field of Application

Easily spreadable filler for fine fillings up to 1 mm layer thickness. For repairing small defects and levelling or smoothing uneven fine plaster surfaces and concrete. Maximum layer thickness: 1 mm.

Material Properties

  • Weather-resistant, odour-friendly and environmentally friendly
  • Extendable to "zero
  • Easy to apply
  • High substrate adhesion

Material Base / Vehicle

Synthetic resin dispersion/emulsion according to German standard DIN 55945.

Packaging/Package Size

4 kg, 25 kg plastic bucket


Natural white.


 Keep in a cool, but frost-free place.

Technical Data

Characteristics according to DIN EN 1062

Diffusion-equivalent air layer thickness sdH2O

Water vapour permeability: < 0.14 m (high), category: V1

Water permeability (w-value): > 0.1 - ≤ 0.5 [kg/(m2 · h0,5)] (low), category: W2


Refinish with "Histolith Antiklasur" or "TopLasur NQG":

Larger facade areas must be usefully divided into work sections. The subdivision and the resulting size of the individual areas can be influenced by the number of personnel present during application. The division boundaries may be visible later and are part of the design. The coating process and the division of these sections must be planned precisely. Sanded surfaces, remove dust and apply transparent primer with CapaSol Konzentrat, diluted according to absorbency in brush application. Create a test surface.

Suitability according to Technical Information No. 606 Definition of Application Areas

Interior 1Interior 2Interior 3Exterior 1Exterior 2
(–) inapplicable / (○) of limited suitability / (+) suitable

Suitable Substrates

The substrate must be sound/stable, dry, clean, and free from all substances that may prevent good adhesion. In Germany: Follow VOB, part C, DIN 18363, section 3.

Substrate Preparation

Renders/Plasters in Mortar Groups/Classes PII (Lime-Cement Mortars) and PIII (Cement Mortars) / Minimum Compressive Strength according to DIN EN 998-1: 1.5 N/mm2:
New renders/plasters must be left untreated for a sufficiently long holding time, normally for 2 weeks at 20 °C and 65 % relative humidity. Adverse weather conditions, influenced e.g. by wind or rain, extend the curing process and correspondingly longer holding times must be respected.
Existing renders/plasters: Repairs must have adequate time to cure and dry.
Highly porous, absorbent, slightly sanding or old renders/plasters:
Apply one priming coat of "OptiSilan TiefGrund". Prime critical substrates with "Dupa-Putzfestiger".

Concrete surfaces with dirt deposits or fines/sintered layer must be cleaned mechanically or with pressure water jet, in compliance with the regulations. Prime slightly absorbent or smooth surfaces with "PutzGrund 610". Apply one priming coat of "OptiSilan TiefGrund" on highly porous, slightly sanding or absorbent surfaces.
Prime chalking surfaces with "Dupa-Putzfestiger".

Stable Coats of Emulsion Paint:

Wash off chalking coatings by pressure water jet, in compliance with the regulations. Roughen glossy surfaces. Apply one priming coat of "Putzgrund 610".

Unstable Coatings of Enamel, Emulsion Paint or Synthetic (Organic) Render/Plaster:
Remove completely by suitable means, e.g. mechanically or via paint stripper, followed by surface cleaning with a high pressure steam jet, in compliance with the regulations. Apply one priming coat of "Putzgrund 610" on slightly absorbent or smooth surfaces. Apply one priming coat of "Dupa-Putzfestiger" on chalking, sanding, absorbent surfaces.

Method of Application

Apply with a scraper or smoothing trowel. Allow to set for a short time and smooth all burrs.
Fassaden-Feinspachtel can be sanded in dry condition.

Coating/Layer Thickness:
Optimum coating thickness: 0.5 – 1 mm. Coating thickness per work step: up to 1 mm.
Fassaden-Feinspachtel may be spread out nearly to the base level.

Surface Coating System

Subsequent Treatment:
Fassaden-Feinspachtel may be treated/coated after approx. 24 hours at 20 °C and 65 % relative humidity. Lower temperatures and higher relative humidity extend the drying time.
Prime repaired areas before any further treatment according to the intended material system, either with CapaGrund Universal or use AmphiSilan-Grundierfarbe.
Completely levelled surfaces can be directly treated.
Apply one priming coat of Putzgrund 610 on synthetic (organic) renders/plasters.


Approx. 500 - 800 g/m2 and more, depending on application method and coating thickness.

Application Conditions

Lower Temperature Limit for Application and Drying:
+5 °C for product, ambient air and substrate.


"Fassaden-Feinspachtel" is an intermediate coat and must be finished with weather-resistant facade products.

Application on larger, continuous surfaces is not recommended due to the low layer thickness.

It must be taken into account that fine shrinkage cracks cannot be completely ruled out in smoothed or felted structures. However, these do not represent a defect that should be objected to.

Due to the use of natural fillers and granulates, slight colour variations are possible. Therefore, only use material with the same production number on continuous surfaces or mix material with different production numbers beforehand.

Protect the work from the effects of weather: When working, especially in dark shades, protect the façade surface to be coated from direct sunlight (e.g. with nets). The local weather conditions must be taken into account.

Preliminary work in niches and recesses: Soffit niches must be coated in a first separate work step. The coating of the façade control surface can then be carried out more quickly, which minimises the risk of skin formation of the materials applied.

Do not use solvent-based primers on "Fassaden-Feinspachtel".

Please Note (Status as at Date of Publication)

If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of reach of children. Contains reaction mass of 5-chloro-2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one and 2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one (3:1). May produce an allergic reaction.

Hotline for allergy enquiries and technical advice: 0800/1895000 (free of charge from a German landline).


Materials and all related packaging must be disposed of in a safe way in accordance with the full requirements of the local, regional, national and international authorities.

EU limit value for the VOC content

EU limit value for the VOC content of this product (cat. ): < 30 g/l VOC.

Product Code Paints and Enamels


Substances of Content - Declaration

polyacrylic resin, calcium carbonate, silicates, water, glycols, glycol ethers, additives, Preservative.

Customer Service Centre

Tel.: +49 6154 71-71710
Fax: +49 6154 71-71711

International Distribution: Please see

Technical information

Material safety data sheet

Technical information

Material safety data sheet